About Us

Our Mission

Welcome to SafeShel, an Irish-based company. SafeShel’s mission is to combine our unparalleled life-saving experience and vision to create essential products for emergency situations. 

We invite you to join us on a journey led by our devoted team consisting of esteemed professionals from the Coast Guard, Military, and various fields of expertise. With years of invaluable experience and an unwavering commitment to saving and protecting lives, we are pioneering a revolution in the realm of outdoor safety and rescue.

Meet Our Team

Peter Larkin

Chairman - Founder - Peter Larkin

Peter’s previous endeavors include being CEO of his company Metrifit, which focuses intently on the United States, boasting a cutting-edge software product adeptly tailored for both mobile and PC platforms. Athletes, empowered through this innovation, seamlessly monitor their health and well-being, with data harmoniously integrated from external devices. The company’s successful growth was supported by the unwavering backing of Enterprise Ireland and Intertrade Ireland.

Peter has shown exceptional dedication throughout his 40 years as a devoted volunteer with the Greenore Coast Guard, playing a key role in over 1,400 life-saving rescue missions.

Drawing from his extensive tenure with the Coast Guard and his seasoned professional career, Peter identified a critical need for a key product to significantly improve survival prospects in emergencies and medical crises, even in the harshest conditions. Witnessing the anguish of families in the face of tragedy, Peter’s experiences fueled his determination to create a solution that benefits both emergency agencies and individuals.

Eighteen months ago, Peter embarked on this transformative journey, engaging in insightful dialogues with key stakeholders in the emergency and rescue sectors. These discussions, rich with insights, helped identify precise needs and fostered collaborative partnerships, including a distinguished CEO and an advisory team featuring our accomplished engineer and several key advisors. Additionally, the steadfast support of the Louth Enterprise Board has been instrumental in advancing this visionary endeavor.

CEO - Niall Stringer

Niall is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience as a Captain in the Army Reserve, bringing a wealth of expertise across various fields. Alongside his wife Gillian, he successfully built and later sold a retail business known as Tiger. Flying Tiger, commonly known as Tiger, is a chain of variety stores offering a wide range of affordable products, including home goods, toys, stationery, electronics, and accessories. Known for its fun and quirky designs, Tiger provides customers with a unique shopping experience featuring a constantly changing selection of items that cater to both everyday needs and special occasions.

Now, as CEO, Niall leverages his extensive background and leadership skills to drive this company forward.

Niall Stringer
Cian O Sullivan

Engineer - Cian O'Sullivan

Brightside Design was set up in 2007 by Cian O’Sullivan. Since then, Brightside has grown into a network of designers, engineers and creative individuals throughout Ireland, with a skill-set that stretches beyond the limits of a standard consultancy structure.

This broad range of services encompass the entire product design process. Brightside provide the design services needed to bring inventions or new product developments from idea through to manufacture. From initial ideas or sketches, we take products through the entire development process including research, concept design, prototyping, testing / validation, patenting and final product engineering for manufacture.

Drawing on years of experience in new product development, we assure our clients get the best information, advice and help to follow the necessary steps to create successful products. This experience allows us to advise on every aspect of the development process including patenting, commercialisation, licencing etc. & most importantly the best way to utilise budget for the best results and return.

Exclusive Access

Don’t miss out on SafeShel’s Limited Exclusive Presale Offer! Purchase now to take advantage of our discount and a money-back guarantee, with delivery in September 2024.

Be among the first to explore our revolutionary product, designed to adapt seamlessly to any emergency for the individual.

With your purchase, you can also choose an emergency or rescue volunteer organisation to receive a percentage of the profit from this sale as a donation.